Wednesday, 13 September 2017

Darker evenings

The evenings are drawing darker, much quicker than I remember, so photographing the badgers will become more difficult. I will be trying to go out, weather permitting as will be good to keep track of them as much as I can. Seems to be such a short time that I have been lucky enough to be a part of and can't wait until next spring when there will be new badgers again! It has been very wet and windy up there recently and I have managed  only a few photos........

Saturday, 29 July 2017


The last few evenings the badgers have been out as early as half past six! I think they know there will be food out at this time as I tend to put food out  for the fox and the badgers at the same time. By the time I come at seven thirty , the food has almost gone! I am going to put the badger food out later.....
Last night the rain was particularly heavy, but they still came, four or five and other evenings seven is the regular number!

Evening visitors

Not seen the fox in the evenings for a long while. He was not as nervous as he usually is, so nice to see him eating!

Thursday, 6 July 2017


With all the people using their gardens now in the evenings, the badgers are quite jumpy! They appear on the sett and begin to eat and as soon as someone laughs, or a helicopter goes overhead, they dive back down the hole! Managed to get a couple of photos last night, but nothing like the seven that are usually bustling around!

Thursday, 22 June 2017

It's been a while.......

I know.....It's been a while since I updated this blog, My head has been a little 'full' with other stuff!
Badgers galore here though! June is the month when the first signs of real, and multiple activity occurs on and around the sett. The cubs are growing fast and in the last week or two have seen a total of nine badgers on and running over the sett!

Sunday, 28 May 2017

Little family

I have not posted in a while due to it being another bank holiday and various other excuses! There has been no sightings of the vixen for two weeks now, and although this has happened before, I don't feel confident that she will be back. I am doubting she is  even alive now. The reality was , that she had gotten so thin that she could not have  recovered  fully despite my attempts to save her.
The badgers have been up every night, and I have worked out that this year there are four  so far. I have seen the mum, two cubs and later, the dad. The mum comes from the main sett, but often her and the dad come from the back of the field. ( There is a sub sett further back). I am guessing that this is roughly what happens? The main sett holds the mum and cubs and as they grow, the adults move to the sub sett? Who knows! Last year we had seven in all, but only saw the full numbers in July/August.

Saturday, 20 May 2017

Badger activity

I woke up yesterday to find badger dig holes on my lawn! I figured it was either the cubs, or because someone had given me a sack of 'dried meat for dogs' , some of which I had soaking in water in a covered bucket which they may have smelled? Anyway the stuff is revolting! It slopped out of the bucket onto the grass and eventually something ate it! The magpies were not touching it, or the fox when it first came. I will be alternating porridge /mash mix and the meat (Goodness only knows what's in it, as I didn't recognise it as anything I had ever seen!)' All the bits no one eats' apparently !
Anyway, I have not seen the vixen for over a week and although my concern for her grows, there has been only one sighting of her since last Sunday, I can't do anything about it. So will just have to wait to see if she turns up.
There was a new dig hole today on the sett and I think this is a badger one. I had wondered why they came and went in that direction, although the dog fox often comes from that side too.
The cubs are obvious to me now and the two of them are growing fast. The whiter faced one is still my favourite!

Sunday, 14 May 2017

Badger count

I am still not sure exactly how many badgers there are as yet. Last night saw me cooing over the white faced cub again, although she (As I discovered by my partner noticing teats already) was filthy yesterday! Tonight I saw four on the sett at the same time. Some were older and the 2 cubs from the other night. I will not know for sure  the full count until at least july, when they all seem to come out at once! The better weather and lighter nights will determine the full count.
Meanwhile there has been no sightings of the vixen, for 2 nights. I always worry when I do not see her and suspect the male has been taking her sandwiches. There has aso been sightings of the 'evening fox' coming earlier, so all a little unpredictable at the moment.

Thursday, 11 May 2017

Cubs at last!

I have been waiting for this for 2 weeks! Tonight I was just about to go in, when I had texted my partner to bring more wine!! He came to me bringing the bottle with a tea towel over his arm, for comedy effect! I was worried and nagging as he always makes too much noise, for me. But he must have been a good luck omen as he nudged me and mouthed 'CUBS' ! I could hardly contain myself, especially as one was so clearly 'new'! I questioned whether I had missed them before on other sightings, but they were definitely a lot smaller than the others!

Wednesday, 10 May 2017


Lovely day today! I had just put the food out and caught sight of the vixen waiting at the side of the old badger hole she uses. She waited quietly until I had almost got to my seating area and then came out. Still limping a little, but her foot was on the ground. Her fur looks loads better. I had put arnica in the water , and saw her drinking loads , so that will help her sprains. She has a tick/eggs near her face, which can be seen in the photos. I am expecting her to have yet another wound there in a day or two, as she will no doubt bite it out. Just needs to put on some weight .

Tuesday, 9 May 2017

Ham sandwiches....

The vixen was waiting for me again today and actually seemed closer. Not moving away at all and totally trusting, which is worrying. She sat in the bushes until I had put the food out, all the time listening to me talking to her. Lame in her back leg again, but desperate for food. She behaved differently today, sitting in the grass between feeding. I am hoping this is not a sign that she is  getting weaker. I may start putting arnica in her water, just to help her along a little.

Sunday, 7 May 2017

Mummy Badger

So no show for the vixen this afternoon , although Mr Fox showed up briefly to grab some food. I think he must have ate the sandwiches too, as I had to go indoors.
A good show later, with some good shots of mummy badger, who is clearly still feeding cubs.....I can hardly wait to see them. Looks like I may have to stay up later tomorrow night and indeed, until I see them!

Friday, 5 May 2017

Foxy Loxy and badgers

No sign of the vixen today , but I was five minutes late. According to my group page on Facebook, she was given bread and jam at 3pm precisely from a neighbour who is following my posts! Good that she had food, but worried that she missed the sandwiches with her meds in! Mr Fox was there eating the chicken and rice in her absence !

This evening the mamma badger was clearly seen , as her teats were visible, so indicating she is feeding cubs. Not yet seen on sett. This is the badger I nick named 'Cotton tail' as she had a white tail ....first seen last ear, as a cub. So exciting!