Saturday, 29 July 2017


The last few evenings the badgers have been out as early as half past six! I think they know there will be food out at this time as I tend to put food out  for the fox and the badgers at the same time. By the time I come at seven thirty , the food has almost gone! I am going to put the badger food out later.....
Last night the rain was particularly heavy, but they still came, four or five and other evenings seven is the regular number!

Evening visitors

Not seen the fox in the evenings for a long while. He was not as nervous as he usually is, so nice to see him eating!

Thursday, 6 July 2017


With all the people using their gardens now in the evenings, the badgers are quite jumpy! They appear on the sett and begin to eat and as soon as someone laughs, or a helicopter goes overhead, they dive back down the hole! Managed to get a couple of photos last night, but nothing like the seven that are usually bustling around!