Today I was adding some twigs to the screen that I have to view the foxes and badgers. It was one o'clock, lunchtime and I suddenly saw a flash of orange.... as I glanced up was totally surprised to see the vixen standing on the sett! She was just staring at me and I told her she was far too early. Now usually she would run off, but she just stood there! I was about to let the hens out, but couldn't trust the vixen, as she was so determined to stay. I went to disturb my partner who was working from home, to ask his advice! In the end I decided I would throw a few dog biscuits out, just to keep her satisfied until 3pm, her usual feeding time. She kept coming back to the sett until I did this. The hens were clucking loudly, drawing her attention, so threw some corn in for them too! Eventually she ate some biscuits and was licking the water bowl.
At 3pm when I took the food out, along with her fish paste sandwiches, I realised that the water bowl was empty. Seeing that hardly any biscuits had been eaten, realised she must have been thirsty. I got a few shots of her and although her skin is still clearly sore, it had stopped looking so infected. Sadly one photo showed just how emaciated she has become as you can see her ribs .
I will make sure that I put an extra bowl out, so she has access to more water.
At 3pm when I took the food out, along with her fish paste sandwiches, I realised that the water bowl was empty. Seeing that hardly any biscuits had been eaten, realised she must have been thirsty. I got a few shots of her and although her skin is still clearly sore, it had stopped looking so infected. Sadly one photo showed just how emaciated she has become as you can see her ribs .
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